Spring Scavenger Hunt

A Totally Free Print At Home Scavenger Hunt For Littles!

spring time scavenger hunt toddler preschool free print at home freebie easy summer outdoor activities ideas outside fun

The windows are open, the weather is warming, and we are READY to get outside! SPRING IS HERE! Well, actually, we live in Minnesota, so spring is here for a little while, but will very likely be covered by another dusting of snow. Winter in Minnesota is like an angry girlfriend storming out of the room during a fight, just to swing the door open again and scream, “And another thing!”. It just comes with the territory.

But while the weather is nice, we want to take advantage of it. We are learning to ride bikes with out training wheels. Or learning the pedal a bike WITH training wheels. Collecting rocks, playing in the sandbox, coloring with sidewalk chalk, playing with bubbles, spending extra time entertaining the dogs, playing on the swing set and taking family walks.

But with young kids, the list of activities can feel limited. My kids are 5 years down to 2 years and we just don’t stay amused for all that long. So it’s always nice to have other options. An activity that is easy for mom to put together (CHECK), doesn’t cost anything (CHECK), holds their attention for long enough but isn’t so hard that they feel defeated (CHECK), and is FUN (CHECK, CHECK, and CHECK!).

So, I’ve put together a SPRING SCAVENGER HUNT! It’s specifically created with our young ones in mind. A handful of items that are easy to identify in the spring time, bright colors, and can be accomplished during your walk around the neighborhood!

spring time scavenger hunt toddler preschool free print at home freebie easy summer outdoor activities ideas outside fun printer

Simply save the file, print it off, and remember to check back here in the upcoming seasons to find new ones! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Be Blessed


Published by jhhoffman

Lifestyle blogger, homemaker, and mom

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