Master Guide to Meal Planning

Actually Do-Able Meal Planning for the Average Homemaker It’s the end of one week and we are busy gearing up for the next. Checking work schedules, school projects, home chores. And just you wait until the whole quarantine lifts. Those calendars will be filling up with more work, after school activities, kids sports, errands, dinnerContinue reading “Master Guide to Meal Planning”

Chores for Little Kids

And Why Your Kids Should Be Doing Them! There are 7 bodies living at my house. Five of them are human. Two of them canine. All of them are messy. Now, as the stay-at-home-mom/ homemaker one would assume that it is mostly my responsibility to clean said messes. Let’s be real. I am no one’sContinue reading “Chores for Little Kids”

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